
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Neo-Socialism, anybody????

Besides my recent found interest in fiction, there is something that has been getting me quite occupied. Its nothing but the good old, "not-so-valid", "out-of-vogue", "remotely-existing" or rather, "almost-extinct" political functionalism called 'Marxism'.
Though I'm not an authority in Marxism, I’m not a total virgin in that area either. I did read some of the books written by Karl Marx and Fredrick Angels and most of the times, I hardly understood anything but constant call for the revival of the proletariat and the need for a united social revolution aimed against the bourgeois.
All these times, I just brushed them off thinking that in today's world of decreasing social divides and bourgeoning democracies, there is hardly any need of such demands. However, now i feel that I'm not totally right. Partly because I very well know that the last substantial opinion I had on socialism and its allied political systems was way far in the past, probably at an age when i was a little immature of making any informed views and partly because as against to my perception of decreasing social divides, today we could find the societies rifting apart wide and open, making the possibility of a social bridge between them all too impossible. I somehow feel that the each side has now become very self-centered and started looking at the other with a sense of suspicion and spite than mutual agreeableness and acceptance. Or is it something really age old? May be!!!

Well, as always, I don't have explicit examples to back up my views and what ever I said here are the interpretations of some personal observations and some pieces of information that I've picked up from various media.
I'm not, at the same time, suggesting a total change in the political structure nor am I hinting on the utter failure of the democracy. Something is missing. The rope has become too saggy somewhere, there by blocking the progress. Well, the basic reason for all this, as I see, is the lack of will power to bring about a change in the society, a deeply rooted habit of ignorance and indifference towards the society, the lack of a strong political commitment; the lack of a youthful vigor full of enthusiasm, confidence and selflessness.
Remember, this should not be taken for complaining. No, I'm not. I'm just trying to find some answers to some questions. That’s it. I need to think.
PS : I know this sounds incomplete and partly, vague. But these are just the raw, not-so-well connected thoughts. As I said, I need some more time to get something sensible out of this.
PS(PS) : Now, you guys must know that all this was due to the hangover from the movie 'The Motorcycle Diaries', which I watched yesterday, and from the lives of Che Guevara and Leon Trotsky that I've been reading a lot these days. Slowly, my interests in Marxism are being re-vitalized.

1 comment:

crisna da turtle said...

well, yeah..i need to think on it...reaaalllllyyy think :)