
Monday, July 18, 2005

10 mins talk

today, its going to be a quick talk as I have lots of other stuff to complete. ok.so here is the topic. Should there be a ban on the daily serials?
well, Iam sure most of the ppl would more than agree with the statement. Agreed there would thousands of those silent victims eagerly waiting for some miracle to happen that would wipe off the entire serial industry. Personally, even I am very much averse to these serials, particularly, the soaps that come on some of the regional as well as national channels. The prime reason is that most of the times, they make no sense or if at all they have any sense left it them, its washed away in the producer's desparateness to pull the serial over and over, eventually making the viewers more dumber than they actually are. One best example to prove the above point was that there was this one serial, the name I dont exactly remember, that started its saga when I was about 19 years old. The serial went fine for about an year with lot many dramatic twists and turns, eventually, enticing huge crowds, particulary the house wives who have nothing really use ful to do during those timings in the day anyhow. Even the title of the serial was very much in synch with the serial content. However, after that, banking on the rankings that the serial bagged on various award cerimonies, the producer decided to entertain his audience for a little more while and so, he sacrificed the story 'a little' in order to accomodate more number of episodes. Even then, people continued watching it as they have not felt really bad about the whole time stuff. All they were interested was the story and it was still more of less decent enough. Overwhelmed with the viewer ratings, the channel has decided to cut off more content, this time, to push a few more advertisements. They argued this was their bread and butter and so, there they had to do it. After all, who would watch commercials in the midst of a boring programme?
Now, the viewers were a little upset because the effective time in a show was less than 60% of the actual timings alloted.
Things went even bad for the viewers when they, came to know that, the serial they thought would end in another 2 weeks was given a small twist and pulled further, god knows in what way. There was lot of voice against this extra-innings of the serial. However, the irony was that they were still watching it. Reason, what better was there to do anyways.Also, an other supportive argument was who knows what would happen at the end. Lets wait and see.Probably, the heroine WOULD finally die in the climax.
Behind their frustration, was this innate desire to know if their predictions were correct (as this would give them a chance to flaunt their 'Intelligence' amongst their co-viewers) and also, the eagerness to know how the serial ended.
I remember my mother cursing the characters all the while watching the serial because she could not really stand the narration and picturization. However, even today,she produdly tells that she has never missed more than a couple of the episodes of the serial. If she missed one, she would make sure that she watched that on the other channel that was telecasting this same serial, but ofcourse, in a different language :))) She never minded that. All she wanted to watch was the characters and their actions. ( It was funny listening to her translations and interpretations of that episode. Btw, she is completely novoice at that language. Its totally greek for her.)
The above kind of pattern can be found in most the avid serial watchers who would give any thing to have a missed episode re-telecasted.
The serial was aired 'successfully' for 5 years (yes..its true) and the most funniest part was by the end, there was not a single actor from original cast. Not just the main characters, but the entire crew has changed over the years, , including the technicians and music director.
It all sounds silly but then, some where deep, it just does not sound right.
I certainly feel that the producer has no respect to the viewer's time and money and all he is interested in is to just fill his pockets as much as possible.
Most of the viewers don't feel it that way. On the contrary, they continue to annoy their mates and family members, who, might not at all, be interested in this stuff.
I guess, its up to the people to decide as to how they would be but beyond all this, the most important thing is to make sure that some one else is not irritated by this entire serial saga. For an hour or so is ok but four hours a day is a bit too much.
My sincere advice is to respect other's freedom for watching things of their choice :))) and make sure that at the end of the day, every one has been satisfied, in some way or the other.

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